Bug Out Bags and Survival Kits: How to Build One You Can Use


What to expect

Having the right kit for the right situation is not only a cool feeling, but it is a great way to prevent ever ending up in the situation where you might need survival skills in the first place.  Learning to prepare your own kits changes the way you look at gear and adventures altogether.

A few of the kits we will be teaching this summer include:

  1. The ultimate pocket fishing kit

  2. The boredom buster bag

  3. Bug out Bag basics

  4. The pocket trackers kit

  5. The backyard botany kit

  6. The survival tin and other pocket survival kits

  7. The every day adventurers kit (less survival more oops I need a……)

Who is this class for

This module is split into several different specific kits, please see the scheduled dates for each kit to see specific recommendations.  With kits I would say the interests are more specific than any of our other modules.  For example, an adventurer who absolutely loved our track identification days would get great joy from our pocket trackers kit, but someone more interested in the local plant walks may be more inclined to the backyard botany kit. 
