Ferro rod secrets and other fire tricks


What to expect

This is the class adults and young adventurers take the most pictures of.  This class will teach young adventurers how to responsibly use one of mans most ancient tools, fire.  Hands down one of our most popular classes.

This class begins with when, where and how to safely make a fire, then it goes through the history of fire. Demonstrating some techniques and allowing for hands on practice with others. 

Who is this class for

I leave this up to the discretion of the parents as each child possesses different levels of maturity and skill.  My oldest adventurer was 9 before we felt comfortable teaching him about making fire.  On the other hand, my 3-year-old is allowed to practice with his brothers, we just take away his tools after each session.  There can be a dexterity issue with this class, and it is shorter than our full version at 098098098098 so I would say anyone who enjoys watching will have fun and generally 8-year-olds and up should be able to perform most of the skills presented.
